Thursday, June 4, 2015

Introductions are in order =)

Hi guys! Thought I'd start off this little blog with an introduction. My name's Chimene (NeNe), sounds like (sha-main), if that helps. Sorry, it's French and complicated lol. I'm just a small town girl from Pa who loves sci-fi/fantasy stuff, speaking in movie quotes and making things pretty.

I started really getting into Nail Art last year when I saw watermarbles being done on YouTube, I was fascinated! I love learning new techniques and sharing the knowledge I gain by doing so. I hope to go to school for this in the fall as well.

Here I will posting all the nail art I'm learning to do, written tutorials included, for now. I do hope to venture into video tutorials soon (though that seems like a whole other monster to tackle lol one thing at a time!). I'm just learning about this whole blogging thing so please bear with me and if you have any pointers, please feel free to share!! I love getting questions and comments so don't be afraid to speak up, you can even email me if you like. I am here to help =)

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